Friday, January 02, 2009

Today is Fruitcake Toss Day. Have you ever eaten fruitcake?
To me this is a strange question. I have been eating fruitcake ever since I can remember. When at boarding school, food was very boring. Mum used to make pumpkin fruitcake and send to me at school. My roommate & I often ate it while studying.
It was considered good nourishing food for morning tea for shearers. And all the mystery about the Christmas fruit cake - - sherry in it to keep it moist - check every week to see how it was coming on- and then on Christmas day we finally got to eat it.
New years resolutions: try to laugh each day.
Try to take better photos.
This photo was taken of one of my roses - i used the tripod to try to get a sharper photo.


loonyhiker said...

Glad you enjoyed the fruitcake but it just isn't for me! As for photos, I joined this 365photo project on flickr where I hope to upload one photo each day. Hopefully my photo taking skills will improve.

Tammy said...

Your photos are always just beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Lovely pic - and you must be proud of your roses too!
Don't see roses like that in the sandilands here!!

Hope 2009 holds good things for you,