Monday, September 08, 2014

Bundaberg…………..Day 168

8 September 2014

We finally left Rockhampton after spending an extra 3 days there due to Lance taking a fall. He said he knew how to fall but the final result sure didn’t look like any of the rugby tackles I have seen.

He tripped on the concrete slab while going to Denise and Johns caravan. No major damage but a lot of blood on his foot and knee. On cleaning up the toe it wasn’t as serious as first thought. He  took some good bruises and was very stiff and sore afterwards. By the way Denise’s roast lamb was a great meal.

We stayed an extra 3 days to allow Lance time to see if he was still all together. During this time we watched a lot of bird life. A couple of Apostle Birds had a fight over something for the nest. It ended in one bird sitting on top of the other bird while picking up the fluff and flying off.

A sulphur crested  cockatoo spent a couple of days in the Captain Cook tree next to our caravan. He was picking the green fruit and breaking them open to eat the seeds in the centre. Many branches were broken off by him and almost all of the fruit was gone by the time he finished. This tree is considered a nuisance in the wild as its sap poisons the ground underneath the tree so nothing will grow.

Here  is the cockie giving me the evil eye.


Today, (Monday) we drove almost 300kms south to Moore Beach, about 20 kms north of Bundaberg. The caravan park is right on the beach. there is a lagoon behind the caravan park where hundreds of Whistling Ducks migrate to each year. I wish I had bought my long lens for my camera with me.


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