Thursday, February 05, 2009

Prompt for today: Can you survive without e-mail? How has it changed your life?
Email has changed my life as it helps me to be in contact with people from around the word in an instant. For example our neice got married 4 days ago and we had photos within 24 hours. Her family live in Western Australia. She got married in Scotland.
Email has changed my life - I can answer quickly any queries, people can send me reminders as my dementia seems to sometimes appear publicly. My Admin officer at work can send me reminders that I can read when I have the time to digest her reminder.
I have always had penfriends up until I had children in my mid twenties. Email lets me to continue to have that.

Go Email!!!!!

Photo for today is of the apple orchards that make Donnybrook famous. I love the apple blossum.


loonyhiker said...

I love email reminders too! Great photo and it makes me wish that spring was here!

Gabby Faye said...

Withoug email I know I would have a lot more time, but to do WHAT? Wait on family? I am retired...I can do what I want and many times that is spending 18 hours a day on the computer, much of it on email.