Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Blog Prompt - If I had 24 hours to evacuate my home before it was to be destroyed by a hurricane, what 10 things would I grab. This is so topical at the moment with the dreaful death toll from those bushfires in Victoria. My uncle lives at Yarra Junction which is now a town that may be in danger if the winds start coming from the north.
I have often thought about this and my list would be, in priority order and if I had time:
  • my bag with my purse in it - its always on the table
  • my camera which is almost always in my bag
  • my external hard drive - it has so many photos on it
  • my laptop
  • my baby photo
  • my photo box with hundreds of photos in it.
  • my jewllery - might need to sell it for money
  • my file that contains birth certificates, marriage certificates - it is easy to grab
  • the large box containg old photo albums
  • my husbands cricketing momentoes.

The photo above has appeared in many newspapers around the world - it is a scene from the Victorian bushfires.


rl said...

Thanks for showing this photo. How evocative.

loonyhiker said...

Great list! We saw that story about the koala bear on our news in SC! Hope you are safe!