Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Road Trip – Day 80 (May 3)

We were packed up and on the road early, leaving the LgNumgum Cliffs behind.


We were soon approaching Fitzroy Crossing, crossing the mighty Fitzroy River.


There was little I recognised in Fitzroy Crossing from my trip there briefly in the mid ‘90’s.There was a BIG new Shell roadhouse which I think replaced the buildings that I remember as being shops. The roadhouse was like a mini supermarket. Kurgan had a brief and then we were off again. The country side from here to Derby was rather boring, being flat with few landmarks. Seeing some cattle was an exciting moment.


I got Lance to briefly stop at a rest stop so I could photograph this huge boab tree. You can see it against our car & caravan which shows how large it is.


We finally came to the T junction where we could turn left to Broome or right to Derby. Turning right was our choice, another town I have never seen before. The owner of the caravan park pointed out the 7 points of interest in Derby, and that is it.


After setting up and enjoying a good cuppa we went down to the “One Mile Dinner Camp” to view the sunset. This place was where the drovers used to hold the cattle while they ate their midday meal and rested in the heat of the day, before taking the cattle in late afternoon down to the cattle yards at the jetty, readying them to board the ships for export.

There is a big boab tree here also that was made famous from a photograph that was publish all over the place.


There was a smoke haze and loads of people there. It was difficult to find a spot where you weren’t interfering with some some one else’s photo. I decreased the brightness to get the black silhouette and then increased the saturation to get the colour. The sun is the tiny dot beside the tree.


A nice ending to the day.

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