Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Road Trip – Day 82 (June 5)

Ooops I just realised I have been writing May instead of June for the last few days – must have been a brain hiccup.

Today, Tuesday, we said goodbye to Derby and hit the road for Broome. Not much to comment on except for the cattle we saw.


We stopped for a break at the Willare Roadhouse. It was nice to look at the signs of places and realise I have been to all of them.


Just had to get a photo of Kurgan again in the car watching where we are going. Nothing much to look at but the same tress kilometre after kilometre.


We were woken up from our bored state by vehicles stopping in front of us. Look what was taking his time checking out all the cars as she went past.


As we have Kurgan we had little choice in where we stopped in Broome. We are actually 30 kms out of town staying at the Roebuck Plains Roadhouse Caravan Park. After a rest we went into Broome to have a look around. We went to  Gantheaume oint. Located approximately 6 kilometres from the town of Broome, Gantheaume Point is a scenic area of red, craggy cliffs providing a stark contrast to the azure water below.

Unfortunately we got there at the low tide and there were dogs everywhere which their owners. We decided to come back when the tide was a little higher. As the parking area is the sandy beach, when the tide is higher, there are fewer people parked on the beach.


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