Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Road Trip – Day 83 (June6)

Another day in sunny Broome. We had a slow start to the beginning of the day, taking our time to do washing, sitting and reading and drinking cups of tea. Our neighbour in the Caravan park is living semi permanently in the park in a huge bus. Today he unwrapped his car to give it a run………… a gold coloured CORVETTE. His Golden Retriever, Misty , jumped in the car, excited about going for a drive in the convertible.


Off we went into Broome later morning to take some photos, have a mango smoothie and take Kurgan for a swim at Gantheaume Point just out of Broome.I was left for a little while in China Town.



We arrived at Gantheaume Point with a lot more water than yesterday. We always put Kurgan on a rope when swimming as he is so intense about his swimming that he often doesn’t hear us calling in, and continues to swim out into the water. Off I went into the water which was surprisingly warm. Kurgan had a ball…………he loves to body surf and the more waves there the more he likes the water. Lance sat in the car with the camera while I enjoyed the water with Kurgan.


There was a lot happening on the beach, with people learning to paddle boats, horses being exercised, people sunbaking, and people just sitting.



Tonight we treated ourselves to a roadhouse meal. T Bone steak for Lance and sausages & mash for me. Huge meals as you can only find in roadhouses that cater for truckies.

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