Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Road Trip – day 87 (June 10)

We left Roebourne after a quick drive around. The town seemed a lot tidier than last time I saw it in 2010 and I finally managed to get my photo of the hotel. There were a few clouds around but nothing out of the ordinary.


We noticed these new power lines soon after we left Roebourne. Just after Karratha we saw where construction had stopped for the weekend.The term “visual pollution came to mind as we saw these shiny new towers streak over the landscape.


I occupied time while driving along taking photos of the over width trucks coming towards us. I think almost all of them were carting accommodation units for mining projects.


We stopped at the Fortesque Roadhouse where I was hoping to get some photos of the Fortesque River with water in it, but was out of luck.

We passed a number of mining and gas projects on the way to Nanutara Roadhouse which is on the banks of the Ashburton River. Now here was a river with lots of water in it. About 85kms north of Nanutara we started to get light rain. While fueling up, we heard on the radio that there was a gale warning for areas south of Manilyia, the next roadhouse after Nanutara.

We decided to camp up in the roadhouse caravan park and set up in light rain. About 10 minutes later the heavens opened and our caravan was getting a wash. I looked outside the door of the caravan to see our thongs etc floating in the water. It was like we were on a tiny island with water all around us.


A lot of people pulled in after us and we started to hear stories of water 2 foot deep on the road in places. A couple on a motorcycle parked near us, looking like drowned rats. By 4pm the tiny park was full of caravans and people staying the night in Dongas, (portable accommodation units) and others just sleeping in their vehicles. A safe move by all. Even with heavy rain falling, it was not cold and once the rain had stopped it was quite warm & humid.


Early in the morning I had wondered what I would have interesting to say on the blog, but I need not have feared. The storm provided quite a bit of interest. People’s reactions to the large puddles and mud in the camping area were varied, ranging from quiet resignation to pure outrage that one was expected to park their van in water and mud. Unfortunately up here in the Pilbara that is the way it is – that beautiful red dirt you see in photos just becomes instant mud with water on it.

Kurgan doesn’t DO rain, having been known to do a 180 degree turn if it rained. to go back home whilst walking. I tried to lure him outside the caravan this afternoon for a minute, but he wasn’t fooled by me putting on his coat. He put one paw outside the caravan and retreated back inside.

Once again we have camped at a great place to get a view, especially at sunset. I spied an eagle sitting near a nest and managed to get a photo of it flying. Kurgan & I took a walk when the rain had stopped over the old single lane bridge that used to span the Ashburton River. This is know a walk way with seats on it to admire the view. The new double lane bridge was opened in 2004 and I noticed it was a metre higher than the old bridge. A couple I was talking to on the bridge can remember driving over the old bridge with water flowing over it after rain.


We are hoping the rain has gone and we get a clear run to Carnarvon where we are going to stay for a few days (we hope).

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