Wednesday, July 08, 2009

What is your favorite chocolate and when was the last time you had it? This blog prompt is so timely as we visited the Margaret River Chocolate Factory. They make every conceivable type of chocolate and the problem is making a choice. I have missed the chocolate we got while in Italy in 2005 and here in Western Australia have not found great chocolate until we went to Margaret River, a 3 hour drive from our home. Margaret River is a premier wine growing region and also has marron farms,cheese factories as well.

Above is a selection of chocolates available at The Chocolate Factory. I like any type of chocolate but prefer dark.

My absence has been quite long. I was made redundant in February this year which came as a shock and was unexpected. As I was 60 I decided to "retire". My absence here has been due to coming to terms with no longer working after 40 years of study and work.


Sputty said...

Hi Joan,
sorry to hear about the job....still retiring will probably mean that you're busier than ever...

I'm back from the UAE now - permanently - keep in touch! And keep on blogging!!


AusDigi said...

Hi Joan
Just stop by to check out your yummy blog, will catch up with you soon.


Unknown said...

Chocolate is not my favorite food, but your picture sure makes it look yummy.

I know what you mean about "retiring"