Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Blog Prompt for today: Tell about a day in your life that was utter pandemonium.
I cant really remember such a day but for the owner of this dog, I think it was pandemonium.
Friends and I were walking along the waterfront at Mandurah, Western Australian when we saw this dog with his lead in his mouth, playing in the water. His owner got hold of the lead but the dog had it in his mouth and wouldn't let go. We watched for some time as he enjoyed the winter sun.


loonyhiker said...

That would be pretty funny! I bet the owner of the dog was not happy. I think the dog was even smiling (in a nasty sort of way! LOL). Thanks for sharing the story.

Anonymous said...

Gosh, that didn't take you long Joan! Great photo, haven't even looked at mine yet.
