Saturday, March 31, 2012

Road Trip – Day 15 (30 March)

Oh what a beautiful morning to wake up to. There had been a heavy dew last night but we were told it was going to be hot today.

After another slow start to the morning, not helped by Eric’s flat tyre, we took of in our vehicles for some sightseeing around the area.

First on our list was “Murphy’s Haystacks”. These are huge pillars & boulders of granite, technically called inselbergs. Local legend has it that Murphy’s Haystacks acquired their name from a Scottish agriculture expert who saw the landmark in the distance while travelling on the mail coach. Shimmering like haystacks in the hot afternoon sun and he remarked “That man must harrow, look at all the hay he has saved”

I am not sure about local legend but they are a pretty awesome sight.I would love to have been there at sunset but when travelling like this you often don’t have a choice.



On our way to Sceale Bay (pronounced Scale) we passed a derelict house with about twenty wrecked cars, motor bikes and an old wagon. a photographers delight. The men of he group were busily identifying the car bodies while I was clicking away with the camera.


Again these bays are starting look all alike. there were about 15 homes here and it was VERY windy.

Moving along to Point Labatt to see the Sea Lion colony. A purpose built viewing platform 50 metres above the colony allows you to  watch them. We counted over 50 sea lions . One wanted to play so went and tried to wake some of the others up to play with him. After a while he gave up and went to sleep. This colony is the only permanent colony on the Australian mainland.


Coming back to our caravans we checked out Baird Bay on another gravel road. Another tiny hamlet with about 10 homes and nothing much else. Apparently it is good fishing though. These guys caught a pile of fish in only 3 feet of water. It looks like the pelicans were helping them to clean the fish.(oops just


Back on the road home we passed a farmer on a motor bike with his sheep dog on the back of the bike. Another  ‘Dog in a Vehicle’ photo to add to my collection. We watched as the dog turned the sheep onto the correct road at the crossroads, then jumped back onto the bike. I love watching sheep dogs work.


We arrived back at the caravans about 3pm, another day of sightseeing completed. Coffee on the balcony of the caravan park kiosk overlooking the bay was in order. We returned to sad news. A gentleman in the caravan park died of a heart attack. He was from Western Australia. Our thoughts and sympathy go out to his wife and family. R.I.P.

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