Thursday, June 07, 2012

Road Trip – day 84 (June 7)

Time for some downtime today. The one thing I have missed on this trip is sleeping in in the morning. Kurgan makes sure I am awake by 6am every morning to take him for a walk. This morning I was grateful for him doing so as the dawn clouds put on a colourful display. The colour swiftly disappeared and by the time we got back to the caravan it was all over.


A slow start to the day saw us finally in the town of Broome again. I wanted to try for another photo of the Roebuck Hotel with the sun in a better place. I have been collecting hotel photos as well as the “Dogs In A Ute”.


I had a look at more shops, tasted some pearl meat (yummy) and had a look at an old pearling lugger. I had tasted pearl meat before many years ago so it was nice to revive the memory. It is very expensive to buy but I saw a Chinese restaurant had it on the menu for $60 a serve.



The streets are alive with colour when you walk around China Town in Broome.


We are now ready to say farewell to Broome……………………..until next time.

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