Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Mitchell…………………… Day 91 & 92

24th June 2014.

We have spent 2 nights at Mitchell and tomorrow the plan is to move on 80kms to Morven. Mitchell was named after Major Mitchell who explored and surveyed this area. There are quite a few houses and all types of business are covered, including a Laundromat. We are staying 2 kms outside of Mitchell at the Neil Turner Weir. Last night there were 38 caravans, motorhomes etc camped here and about the same again tonight.

We went into town today where we were able to have showers at the local  Fitness Centre, combined with a cafe and the Information Centre. There is a spa filled with hot artesian bore water. The temperature of the water today was 38 Celius. The water comes from 3kms down in the earth where the Great Artesian Basin waters lie. Lots of people were enjoying the hot waters.

John, with his trusty chainsaw and the rest of us went out to get fire wood for a camp fire. With fire going it was time for Happy Hour.


Today Denise made damper in her camp over while I made a stew in mine. We were all full by the time we had finished our meals.

Tonight there was heavy cloud cover so I am glad we took sunset photos last night here. The Neil Turner Weir is on the Maranoa River.


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