Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Morven…………………………Day 93

25 June 2014

Once again we packed up and left our bush camp outside the small town of Mitchell.There had been a lot of discussion about having a free camp so close to the town, but we heard in town that the council liked the fact that travellers came into town and spent money around the town.

For example Lance & I had showers in the local gym/pool/information centre, we bought bread in the bakery, Lance bought some electrical fittings from the camping shop, I did laundry at the local Laundromat and  bought some hand made slippers in the craft shop. There were around 38 caravans and motorhomes, so if most of them bought spent a few dollars around town it all adds up.

Before leaving our bush camp I took some photos of the pelicans on the water behind us.


………….and here’s another one………..


We decided to stop at a tiny town called Mungallala. Nothing but the usual pub and a few houses. They had a small park area where we stopped to fill in time while having our morning cuppa. We were only travelling 80 kms again.

I liked the way they labelled their public toilets.


and of course………………………….


We arrived at Morven just before noon and already there were heaps of people here. We were lucky to get powered sites as there are only 12 powered sites. We are camped at the local recreation grounds which has been well set up for travellers. There are toilets and showers here, all for the cost of $5 per night.

Morven is even smaller than Mitchell, with a population of 276. There are a couple of shops, pub, post office/cafe and on the out skirts of the town, a BP fuel station. There is a small historical display.

We are 2 nights here before we move to Charleville.

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