Monday, June 02, 2014

West Wyalong……………………..Day 70

2 JUNE 2014

This morning we really said goodbye to Hay as we headed north east to West Wyalong. I woke around 7am to take Kurgan for his early morning walk to find a heavy fog all round us._MG_0017web

Even when the sun rose the fog hung around and as we drove with John & Denise behind us, the cars were not visible . We almost always travel within sight of each other but today the fog prevented this. It lasted for about 3 hours and didn’t lift until lunch time. There were times when we only saw the headlights of a vehicle coming towards us.


We travelled a long way today - - - 255kms.  After setting up camp at the West Wyalong Showgrounds we decided to have a look around the town to get our bearings.


On the main street while taking a coupe of photos I met Ruby and her owner. Ruby was looking at me until I tried to take her photo then she went shy. Her owner stood beside me while I finally got this shot._MG_0031webWe went back to the Showgrounds and relaxed for a bit. Jim, the caretaker came around to take our money for camping. He was such a helpful guy and so welcoming. I told him I had read good things about him on Wiki Camps, a great app we are using. He returned a little later with a plate of sausage rolls he had made, for us. It is the little things like this that make our trip so special. A big thanks to Jim at West Wyalong Showgrounds.

IMG_0037webWe also met a couple who had been camping at the showgrounds with us in Hay. They have a large bus and trailer and have been on the road for 8 years. They came over for happy hour with us. During this time the most beautiful rainbow showed in the sky. I could only capture part of it.


Isn’t nature beautiful. Here is our sunset tonight with the old grandstand. .


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